Saturday, February 28, 2009

Rules and Regulations

1. When you post a recipe, the title of your post should be the name of the dish and the tags on your post should be the main ingredient of your dish...for example: chicken, beef, pork, vegetarian, pasta...etc.

2. You may post asking FOR a recipe using certain ingredients or for a certain event or just to acquire new recipes. If you do so, use the title "YOUR NAME needs a hand in the kitchen" and use the tag "help"

3. Have fun! Share your favorite family recipes with friends and enjoy the favorite dishes of others!

4. I've added a feature that will allow you to rate a recipe posted either "Liked it" or "Did not like it" and "Plan to try it!". The feature will appear on each posted item. Please rate the recipes that you try from this blog.

5. Also, the recipe you post MUST BE a from scratch (or semi-from scratch), moderately healthy and definitely appetizing! We're looking for fun, family friendly, healthy recipes. They can take all day (like crock pot recipes) or be super fast (like homemade spicy turkey burgers) as long as they're YOUR family's favorite, it'll work!

1 comment:

  1. I might go in and pare down the labels from time to time....don't be mad!
    Less is more!
